Perfection is uncertainty in disguise

About learning, tech, management, ideas, business, and more. Let's write something.

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9 September 2022

A 100 of these days

Some days ago I watched a video which was talking about this method, the “100 rule” to learn something. In short it says to do something at least 100 times to become competent in that field (actually after some research on the web I found out that it’s probably “100 hours”, and the idea behind is a little bit more complex than this, but for time being it’s enough).

The other concept I learned on my own skin is that to concretely be able to realize something without give in during the process, we need to support this process. How? With numbers. Measuring the progress is the way. Visualizing it day by day rewards somehow our mind and the struggle done, and helps to visualize better the final goal as something reachable.

So I picked up some new activities I’d like to learn since a while, and on the 1st of Sept I decided to test the method on myself. I knew that my free time every day is not much, so I picked up just activities whose training costs to me at most 15 mins a day, identifying the ones which may have been carried out together. Basically if you sequentially train two activities for 15 mins each, you spend a total of 30 mins. But if you can combo them you will train them both for all the time, using the same total 30 mins. This is the case of reading while doing some stretching.

At first I wrote a table on my whiteboard at home, and started to count the days when the activity was done. I moved quickly to a gsheet in order to manage better my data and have the possibility for adding fancy colors and charts (also having the date in each line helps you not to count twice a day a done activity or not to count it at all since you cannot remember if you already updated your whiteboard).

100 gsheet

Even if it’s really simple, If you feel yourself so lazy and need to pick in my gsheet, just write me ;)

As we say in Italy, I wish you a 100 of these days!
